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I was the first to introduce the original US patented glucosamine into Canada in 1994. Having dispensed glucosamine for so many years, I have a very good idea of what to expect from it clinically. Rarely have I seen glucosamine be as effective as Active Again. My father is a great example. 20 plus years ago he broke his heel in 5 places. His walking was limited to 2 or 3 blocks due to the pain. His walking was also very awkward because he would almost have to drag his foot, as he couldn’t put pressure directly on his heel. For more than a decade I provided him with glucosamine and other joint products. Then a few years ago I gave him Active Again Pain Cream and Active Again Capsules. By this time he also had trouble closing one of his hands and making a fist due to arthritis. After just 3 days, as a “side benefit” from applying the cream to his heel and ankle, his hands were fine and have been ever since! After only a month he no longer needed the cream and just continued with the capsules. In just one month he was walking 3 to 4 miles and loving it. He hadn’t been able to walk this far for 2 decades. My dad is now 85 and because of the Active Again he now has little or no pain when walking. Active Again has dramatically changed his quality of life.”
President of Hope Science
I like to try or test many products myself and also often provide them to my family. I had been taking IP6 Health since 1998, as I like the approach of an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. With so many potential benefits and because there is a high incidence of cancer in my family, IP6 Health seemed like an obvious supplement for me. My sister’s experience with IP6 Health is an important story to share. She was very concerned, as her doctors had said that her cervix was precancerous. She had irregular pap smears for 6 years and her physicians recommended surgery. Instead, she started taking IP6 Health, and her paps returned to normal after only 6 months. I suggested she continue to take IP6 Health, as she also had been diagnosed with low bone density. 7 years later at age 51, she had her bone density rechecked with a DEXA scan. Her physician was very happy to report, that she now had strong bones, as she now had the bone density of a 25 year old. Most of the time physicians simply try to prevent further bone loss- it is indeed rare to have bone density restored in such a profound manner, as occurred with my sister. You can read about her experience here.
President of Hope Science
Treating cancer is difficult. I am not intending to create any false illusions by sharing these testimonials. However, I do think it’s important to include them, because a number of patients are some- how beating the odds and we must always ask ourselves why. I believe that this supplement provides some legitimate hope for cancer patients. Even a little bit of legitimate hope can make a huge difference for those suffering. I learned of perhaps the most astounding case while doing a general immune system lecture for pharmacy and health store personnel in the summer of 2002. After the talk, a semi-retired medical doctor stayed behind to tell me his wife’s story. Four years earlier in 1998 his wife was diagnosed with very advanced pancreatic cancer and was told she only had a few weeks to live. She is a tall woman and had shrunk down to 85 pounds. In desperation they decided that she should try some natural supplements, which included Inositol + Cal-Mag IP6. He was excited to tell me that she was doing fine and now weighed 120 pounds. Never having called him before, a few months ago I got his phone number from the health food store from which he buys his supplements. I called and asked for the doctor. An elderly lady answered the call and I then described why I was calling. She was more than pleased to tell me that she was in fact the pancreatic cancer patient and that the doctor was her husband and most importantly that she was doing great almost six years later! Dr. Shamsuddin told me of another inspiring story. A lady in his mother’s nearby neighborhood in Dhaka, Bangladesh had advanced lymphoma. She traveled to India to get a second opinion at one of India’s top facilities and was told she only had 6 to 8 weeks as she was full of cancer cells. Coincidentally, immediately following the First International Symposium on IP6 in Kyoto in June 1998, one of her sons learned of Dr. Shamsuddin and IP6 through press reports and Internet search. Not even knowing that Dr. Shamsuddin grew up 3-4 blocks away, he sent him an e-mail to the University of Maryland in Baltimore. Out of desperation and in spite of the ridicule of her local oncologists, she was placed on Inositol + Cal- Mag IP6 [because of the distance, the first few samples of Inositol + Cal-Mag IP6 came from Dr. Shamsuddin’s mother’s supply who was by this time taking her son’s medicine religiously!] Two years later when Dr. Shamsuddin was visiting his mother there was a knock at the door, standing there were the lady’s two sons with an enormous bouquet in appreciation. Remarkably she was now considered cancer free. She had returned to the same clinic in India for a follow up, but the laboratory [biopsy] reports were not given to her. Initially she was denied the lab reports as they thought there must be some mistake, how could she be the same woman since she didn’t have any cancer cells the lab could identify!
President of Hope Science
Lisa B. of Chicago was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 35. An attractive, athletic person, who worked as a personal trainer, she confronted the disease head on with confidence. Following breast cancer surgery in January, 2003, she went through a series of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. By the end of the summer her recovery was progressing nicely. However, in early September she began experiencing severe headaches. A brain scan showed a tiny spot that her doctor thought was insignificant. An MRI conducted two weeks later revealed that Lisa had cancer in the lining of her brain and in her spine-a condition known as Leptomeningeal Disease. Within three days of this diagnosis, Lisa was placed in intensive care. She eventually lapsed into a coma, and became paralyzed. A feeding tube was inserted to provide her with nourishment. Doctors, once again, administered radiation to combat the cancer, but it didn’t seem to help. After consultation with other hospitals, they began a more aggressive treatment with chemotherapy and a new cancer drug, Temodar. They told Lisa’s mother, Joan, that her daughter could expect to survive three to six months with this treatment, and that most people usually die once they go into a coma. Joan insisted that doctors also treat her daughter with an alternative therapy, IP6, (Inositol Hexaphosphate plus Inositol), a powerful antioxidant derived from Vitamin B that promotes healthy cell function. Joan had first learned of IP6 when her mother contracted lung cancer. In addition to her mother’s conventional treatment with chemotherapy, Joan made sure her 78-year-old mother got healthy doses of IP6. Her mother beat the lung cancer and is still living today at age 84. While doctors were not optimistic about Lisa’s recovery, she soon began to show signs of improvement. Much to their surprise, she emerged from the coma, and began to show dramatic signs of improvement. An MRI conducted at the end of October showed no signs of cancer. Today, she is home and walking again-although slowly. She appears to be on the road to a complete recovery. Her doctors find her recovery hard to explain, but Joan feels that IP6 played an important role. “I would like to see doctors learn more about natural products like IP6 that don’t have the side effects of heavy drugs,” she says.
At last--someone who has used IP6. Last April my husband was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma, a liver bile duct cancer, and was given a prognosis of 6 months. He is still with us after nine. He began taking IP6 in June of 1998 and has been on a dosage of 4 capsules 2 times a day. My husband is a wonderful father, husband, and grandfather and I pursue any lead to help him survive this devastating disease. He has other health problems that have made his cancer difficult to treat, but he did undergo 6 weeks of combined radiation and chemo. We have been told that there are no longer any signs of the tumor and it will be a true test of the IP6 if regrowth or spread of the cancer can be prevented.
In mid-summer 2002, I noticed that the area around my stomach was growing larger. At first I attributed this to normal weight gain, but I noticed something was wrong after I began eating more healthy foods and the bloating still wasn’t going away. As time passed I became more uncomfortable, so I went to my practitioner of Tibetan medicine. She said the problem could be very serious and recommended immediate testing. In August I went to the hospital emergency room, and after several tests, the attending doctor told me I had cancer. Additional testing diagnosed it as stage 3C ovarian cancer. In September I underwent surgery. A majority of the tumors were removed, but 20 percent remained. At around this time a friend of mine recommended IP6 to me based on the success of a friend of hers. I did some research, and began taking 6 pills a day on October 29. My condition began to worsen so I started chemotherapy on November 7. I was given carbo platinum, which made me so sick I was hospitalized. A week later I started feeling much better, and my CA125 (which is a cancer blood marker) went from 2,600 before surgery to 215 on November 19. On December it dropped to 63.9. My doctor was amazed and attributed my turnaround to IP6. As of January 14, my CA125 was 19.6 (the normal range is 0-35). I had an ultrasound on January 10 and the remaining tumors were gone. I am now in complete remission. Considering the grim statistics on Stage 3C Ovarian Cancer (the average 5 year survival rate is only 10%), this is truly astounding. Aside from IP6 (which I have upped to 12 pills a day), I started taking green tea extract, grape seed extract and Quercetin in December. In January I added Bromelaid, Fish Oil pills, Immunocal and freshly juiced carrot, celery, apple, kale and parsley juice. And from the beginning I have had many prayers said for me and have done daily meditations. I also have a fierce determination to survive. I feel that all of these factors have contributed to my recovery, particularly the total support of my doctor.
I’m a retired lieutenant from the FDNY and on September 26, 2002 I was diagnosed with High Grade Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PIN), which my urologist told me is associated with prostate cancer in approximately 30-50% of men who demonstrate this finding. I was told a repeat needle biopsy would be required in 3 months. I had been taking IP6 since January, 1999 on a maintenance level. Although I had this condition (PIN), my overall health is fantastic. I contacted Dr. Shamsuddin and told him I was going to increase my dosage of IP6 to the level of one at "high risk" for cancer. On January 9, 2003, I had another needle biopsy. All eight specimens of the prostate were benign prostate tissue and there was no evidence of malignancy. In short, the PIN cells were gone! As a man of deep faith, I know that the Lord Jesus used IP6 to clear up the condition for His glory and my good. My sincere thanks and appreciation go out to Dr. AbulKalam M. Shamsuddin.
I was diagnosed with a multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma, secondary to chronic Hepatitis C, in August of last year. I received no conventional therapy due to this being a multifocal scattering of tiny tumors throughout my liver, with one larger tumor measuring 2cm. The oncologists sent me home and told me to come back for pain management when necessary. I became aware of IP6 first through a physician friend and then on a television show. I started taking it in the latter part of last year, not really convinced that it would do me any good but willing to try anything. Subsequently all of the smaller tumors have been resolved and the larger tumor was handled with alcohol ablation. After two treatments with alcohol I appear to be tumor free. I plan to continue IP6 for as long as I reside on this planet.
I have been using IP6 (8 capsules, twice/day) for 3 weeks (I have a bizarre form of cancer, and am just using IP6 along with nutrition). I have gained 5 lbs. and am sleeping better than I have in a long time. I called Dr. Shamsuddin at the University of Maryland, and he spent 40 min talking with me. He truly seems like a caring, wonderful man. He said he did not publish all of his findings in his book, as he was afraid people would find it too incredible to believe. He said to take 8 caps, twice a day on empty stomach for cancer. When cancer is gone, then take 3 or 4 caps, twice a day. I would be most grateful if you could put me in touch with other IP6 users, so we can share information.
I started my fiancee on IP6 in May; in January his PSA was 13 and climbing, in August his PSA went to 9 and now is 0.6. We're ecstatic! All I know about IP6 I read in the IP6 cancer book by Dr. Shamsuddin. IP6 is just inositol (Vitamin B) with six phosphates attached. The IP6 book says that IP6 normalizes cancer cells and allows them to die. The IP6 book says that there seems to be no known toxic level for IP6 or inositol. IP6 has been tested for cancer on animals for over thirty years. The reason that IP6 did not receive much attention was the concern that IP6 would remove minerals from the blood stream. Tests have recently proven this about IP6 to be false. The IP6 cancer book does mention on page 89 that tests show that IP6 was able to remove the calcification in arteries of test animals. The part that I like about IP6 is that it can help prevent cancer, or at least IP6 can reduce the number and size of tumors.
My mom has been using IP6 since May 1999 for a Glio4 brain tumor and it has been helping her. The tumor was downgraded in July 1999 and then in December 1999 we were told it hadn't grown since July. The doctors had no explanation other than to keep doing what we are doing and we are. For a tumor such as my mom's not to grow is highly unusual. She was supposed to die over a year ago. She was diagnosed in December 1998. We know of two other people who have used IP6 with tremendous results. One woman had two inoperable Glio4 brain tumors being diagnosed in November 1997 and was prepared to die, but was started on IP6 by some church friends sometime in 1998. After a time the tumors stopped growing and they have been shrinking with each MRI done. I was so glad to hear of the success with IP6. Thanks.
I have had Non-Hodgkin lymphoma low-grade type for five years. I underwent conventional treatment during that period. I have been using IP6 since December 1998 and have had dramatic results. My tumors have reduced in size by about 80%. I would be interested in communicating with other people that are taking IP6 for cancer.
My wife is using IP6 (Cell Forte™ brand) with great success! She had a cancerous tumor in her breast that was removed. She started IP6 about 6 weeks before the surgery and after the surgery all lab results showed clean margins and negative nodes. This was very surprising to the Surgeon and Oncologist due to the size of her tumor (3.2cm+).
Four years ago our daughter Lindsay, who was 15 years old, began having severe headaches from which there seemed to be no relief. After consulting a pediatric neurosurgeon, we learned that Linsday had a walnut-sized brain tumor on her brain stem which would require surgery in two weeks. We were told to prepare for a lengthy recovering period to follow. Previously we met Dr. Shamsuddin at a book signing of his book on IP6. We made contact with him to learn more about the product and its potential to help Lindsay’s condition. I also learned about case studies of other cancer patients who had taken IP6 and experienced very positive results. Immediately thereafter I began giving Lindsay 8 capsules of IP6 twice daily, for a total of 16 capsules per day. Less than 24 hours before Lindsay’s scheduled surgery, the neurosurgeon reviewed her case with a panel of the best surgeons in the country, and, to our delight, he found that the operation was no longer necessary. We went home knowing that she would not have to endure surgery, but would have to undergo a six-week course of radiation therapy. During the course of radiation treatment, I prepared IP6 in juice every morning for Lindsay, and made sure she took her full dosage of 16 capsules a day. I even baked IP6 into batches of cookies to make it more enjoyable for Lindsay to take. After 8 weeks, and another MRI to check the tumor’s growth, we were thrilled to learn that Lindsay’s tumor had “unexplainedly” shrunk by 22%! The doctors were absolutely amazed. I am happy to say that Lindsay is now a healthy, 19-year-old college student with a career in music ahead of her. She continues to take IP6 daily. In addition, I’ve continued to work and rework the IP6 cookie recipe, and now have four different varieties of wheat-free, gluten-free cookies with the IP6 equivalent of 2 capsules for cookie.
“I have been in the Navy 23 years and 20 as a Navy SEAL, and 13 as a Special Operations Combat Medic. I have used many Joint type remedies throughout the years to help with my Arthritis in both elbows. I had recently had a small tear in my Achilles tendon, which was very demoralizing and painful. I had no idea how to get better, or how to treat the injury. I took your product, both orally and topically. The results were nothing short of spectacular! Within a month the swelling on the back of my heel had subsided, and I have no had crepitus to speak of from ANY of my articulating joints. Thanks to your product my recovery was amazingly fast. Now I can work out, pain free. Thanks again.”
US Navy Seal
“Dear Hope Science, I am a chiropractor in the Seattle, WA area. Seven years ago, I heard about your product, Active Again. You see, I had chronic pain in my hands. All the other pain cream products provided temporary relief, and on a minor level at that. I mean, my hands just hurt all the time. So I got my Active Again cream and applied it, and within 30 seconds, the pain greatly subsided. I thought, “Wow, this stuff is amazing.” But after thinking about it, I wondered if what I experienced was a placebo effect; I thought my brain was tricked into thinking Active Again worked and that was all there was to it. The next morning my hands hurt once again, so I re-applied Active Again. Sure enough, again, within 30 seconds, the pain was gone, and I knew it was for real: Active Again worked that well. Of course, after this revelation, I began applying it to my patients, and gave them samples to take home. Well, the majority of them come back saying it’s amazing and wanted to buy it. No other topical is in Active Again’s class. It doesn’t even belong grouped with other topical pain creams. It has helped countless patients decrease pain in their backs, necks and any joints. From the bottom of my heart, thank you."
Dear Dr. Kim: I want to express my sincere appreciation for your product “Active Again Pain Cream.” I believe my experience with the Active Again Pain Cream is a little unique. I developed neuropathy in my feet from a serious back injury back in 1999. At that time the doctors informed me that I would probably develop a moderate to severe case of neuropathy from my injury as the years passed. Well, they were right. The burning sensation eventually progressed into a severe case of burning and “pins and needles” that could not be eased without heavy pain medication. This left me to where I was not able to walk after spending 15 minutes walking in a small, local grocery store. The pain made me depressed and angry all of the time, and not very pleasant to be around. But that was not the worst problem I suffered from the pain. For those of you that know what a heart ejection fraction is (percentage of blood that is pumped out of a filled ventricle with each heartbeat), mine was 10% as of a month ago. Doctors don’t like to see an ejection fraction lower than 50%. My pain had been getting so severe in my feet from neuropathy, it was seriously affecting my heart. It got to a point where the pain was so severe, I was spending 3-5 days a week in the hospital to deal with the pain. Unfortunately, the only thing that the hospital could do for me was to give me Dilaudid (opioid) through an IV. Not a good thing if you want to stay off of heavy medications. I experienced a massive reduction in foot pain only 15 minutes after applying the Active Again Pain Cream to my entire foot up to the top of my ankles. The experience of being pain-free for the first time in years was so overwhelming I was brought to tears. This emotional experience was eye- opening. Since taking the Active Again Pain Cream, my ejection fraction has improved to 22%. My wife has noticed a marked improvement in my disposition since being pain-free. I’m looking forward to using Active Again Pain Cream well into the future. Sincerely,
“Our patients report great success using Active Again caps. Active Again pain cream has also been a blessing, as it does more than just temporarily mask the pain.”
Physical Therapist
“I am a pediatric physical therapist that has an ankle issue secondary to a bad fracture. This past year I have had more problems with my ankle and range of motion. If I sat down for any length of time it was difficult for me to get up and walk without standing and gradually placing more weight over onto my foot before I could actually take a step. At night, I had to take over the counter pain relievers before I could sleep due to the pain/discomfort. I noticed a difference within two days of taking Active Again which really surprised me. I was able to get up and place my right foot flat on the floor and stand up. I was also able to go to sleep without having to take anything for pain. I was walking without limping and with freer movement. Within a week of taking Active Again I noticed that overall that I was less stiff. I could sit and get up without difficulty. I was also able to dorsiflex my foot about 5 degrees without pain. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to try Active Again. I intend to order more Active Again and will definitely recommend it to others.”
I have been in chronic pain since 2012 after having Shingles. Under the care of many doctors (specialists), 22 in only 6 months, I was taking (for 5 and a half years) seizure meds and high dose pain medicine, plus pain clinic care for approximately 2 years. Too many other professionals to mention. Too many other compounded pain creams to even remember, and absolutely useless for me. My husband met someone who offered us another topical cream- it is a FANTASTIC find for me! I am spreading the find! I cannot thank Hope Science enough for this product! Sincerely Grateful,
I have a 15 year old dog that I was ready to have put to sleep. Everyday I was struggling with the thought and praying for a miracle. Well last month we were at what I thought would be our last camp out when a fellow camper seen her struggling to get up and recommended Active Again™. She also had a older dog that has the same problems. Her vet had recommended it and said within 3 days it would work or it wouldn’t. It worked for her dog. My dog seemed to love the flavor of the capsules. After just 2 days her eyes were wide open and smiling! She didn’t just get up go eat her morning food and plop down and sleep for the rest of the day … She was wagging her tail walking around visiting everyone, Jumping around ALIVE again!!! We will use Active Again™ for the rest of her life.
“Active Again has been an incredible product for my patient’s acute and chronic pain. I have always used topical analgesics, but this blows them away. In 15 minutes patients will tell you Active Again is the best cream they have ever tried. I have had numerous patients thank me and give referrals. It’s a win win.”
“Having practiced and taught for many years I have tried a multitude of products. After using Active Again cream personally, it is now my topical of choice. A safe and effective natural anti-inflammatory like product is an important tool to augment treatment outcomes and is the reason I now discuss Active Again in my seminar.”
I slammed my finger in a door during a destination wedding trip and broke it. I did not want to be late to the ceremony or let anyone know, so I waited over a week to get to the doctor. By then my knuckle was healing and could not be restored. It could be fused or I could live with it painful but functioning. I chose functioning. It was enlarged, red and inflamed. As a Certified Health Educator, I am a bit of a “show me the science” nut. When my Active Again came (I ordered the human product by accident – I meant to order it for my pup as I knew it was helping him), I started reading your science and thought I would “give it a go.” I have to say that within a week of using Active Again I stopped noticing my finger. The redness subsided and the inflammation calmed down. I became an Active Again fan. If I had any doubt, I forgot to bring my Active Again on a one week vacation and by the time I returned home, my finger was inflamed again. I won’t forget my Active Again next time!
Our dog, Abby, is 12 years old. She fell on ice a couple years ago and was subsequently diagnosed with torn ligaments in her knee. I heard from a friend of mine about his experience with a younger dog and how Active Again™ helped them, so we decided to try it. Within a few weeks the results were amazing, her mobility and flexibility increased greatly. Recently, we ran out of Active Again™. Almost immediately, after running out, Abby slowed down dramatically. She started to walk very slowly – almost as if she was depressed – and was very slow in standing or laying down. After going back on Active Again™, almost miraculously, she returned to her old self – loping around the yard and reinvigorated!
“About 12 years ago I had a bad skiing accident in Austria and in addition to two broken bones had numerous sprains. Needless to say, as I approached 60 a few years ago, these sprains became more and more problematic and I ceased my running and yoga; had trouble working in the garden for even an hour; and could not sleep through the night … sharp pain every time I turned over. I had been using fish oil and Glucosamine for years without any noticeable benefit. Then, I began using the Active Again cream daily and started taking the Active Again capsules. After about 3 weeks, it was not necessary to use the cream regularly … now, I only use the cream when I overdo it. I have been using the Active Again capsules for over a year now and it’s hard to believe how good I feel. I am back to running 4-5 days a week for 45 minutes; I do yoga 3-4 times weekly for 45 minutes; I can work endlessly in the garden pruning, planting, etc.; and can sleep pain free through the night. I even shoveled the driveway this past winter. Active Again has unbelievably changed my life…..turned the clock back 15 years….thanks Hope Science!”
Pittsburgh, PA
“I wanted to take a moment to drop you a line and let you know how pleased I am that I tried your Active Again Pain Cream and the Active Again Capsules. I used the cream exactly as you instructed and I took the gel caps, three caps twice per day for the first month and then three caps per day ever since. I have been practicing chiropractic for 16 years and to be honest with you – I really didn’t expect much in the way of results. I have tried so many other products that were promised to work wonders in the past with the same old lack of help that I thought, “Here we go again.” Well, I was wrong. The results have been wonderful. I have been so limber that I even beat one of my buddies bowling. I generally can’t get within 50 pins of him! I have had much less pain and stiffness. I even got down on the floor with my grandkids to race slot cars with them! I have to tell you that I fell out of a car when I was 2 ½ years old and, as a result, I have more arthritis in my spine then the average eighty-five year old person, so for your products to give me such relief truly borders on the miraculous! Thanks so much for all your hard work in developing such great aids for people like me.” P.S. If anyone doubts the effectiveness of either the Active Again Pain Cream or Active Again Capsules, all I can say is, “Try it – you’ll like it!” The stuff works great. We can’t keep enough of it on the shelves for all our patients.
Three years ago I was told that my knee was so bad that my only option was a total knee replacement. That’s when I began to look at other options. That’s when I discovered Active Again. As a result, I have been using Active Again capsules and cream for 3 years. I am no longer in pain, although because of the lack of cartilage, my leg is extremely bowed. I intend to continue to use your outstanding products on a daily basis. Thank-you
Active Again is also effective for pets.
See our pet testimonials!These testimonials are presented for informational purposes only and are not intended as an endorsement of any product. The information is not intended to be a substitute for visits to your healthcare practitioner. Rather, the testimonials offer the reader information written by consumers or healthcare practitioners concerning health and products that have shown results.
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